Gary Harding

Serving people as a licensed minister since 1975, I have always enjoyed reading about the West in American History. For years, I have wanted to write about this exciting and beloved time. The Biblical truths that need to be taught in our current culture are the same truths that were taught in the West.
Through those short decades near the end of the 19th century, the backbone of America took shape and became strong. Along with the miners, cattlemen, outlaws and cowboys, came a breed of men unlike any in history. Many were horsemen. Many were skilled with a gun. But they travelled with a gun in one hand and a Bible in the other. They became known as Circuit Riders. They brought a message of peace that would turn the most rowdy crowd to the message of the gospel. As rugged as the country they rode in, they helped shape the destiny of America. These values helped set the stage that became the forerunner of the great spiritual revivals of the early 1900's... like Azusa St. in California and many more.
So, I decided to bring this period back to life in the TURNER CREEK SERIES, featuring the life
of Circuit Rider BANE BARLOW. His character is based on stories I heard from my grandparents and others. My Great Grandma Barlow was full blooded Cherokee Indian and the first in our family to be water baptized in Jesus' name at a brush arbor "Circuit Rider" meeting. My Grandpa Jaynes could not read or write. As a teen, I would read western books to him and he would soak up the excitement. He shared many stories of his youth that I have woven into my writing.
I am very excited about the AUDIO BOOKS which are unabridged with sound effects. They were a challenge to produce. However, they can now be enjoyed for generations, day after day, mile after mile. I hope you will enjoy the stories of BANE BARLOW!
Gary Harding